Landlords and property owners are crucial to the success of our Housing Choice Voucher Program.
The Housing Choice Voucher Program (Section 8) can help you achieve your goals as a landlord while providing housing opportunities to low-income individuals and families in St. Louis. The following resources are available to assist landlords and property owners in becoming knowledgeable of program and requirements.

Find A Form
Landlord Resources
We hope to provide you with the necessary information to make it easy to set up tenants through the St. Louis Housing Authority.
You may download and save the Change of Ownership Packet, and the Request for Rental Increase Form and Schedule to your device. Then open, complete and digitally sign in Adobe Acrobat Reader DC. You can download a free version of Adobe Acrobat Reader DC if you currently do not have it on your device.
Additional Resources for Landlords

Excess Damage Reimbursement Program Extended
SLHA has extended its HCV/Section 8 Landlord Incentive Program for Excess Damage Reimbursement. SLHA will offer up to $3,000 reimbursement per leased unit for tenant-caused damage, beyond normal wear and tear, that exceeds the security deposit on account.

HUD – HCV Landlord Resources
Find information from HUD on becoming an HCV Landlord, answers to frequently asked questions and more.

Easily list your properties and help people who might otherwise have few or no options for finding the right home.

The RENT Café Self-Service portal allows Housing Choice Voucher/Section 8 landlords to easily review their information and that of their tenants.
The Housing Choice Voucher Program has incredible benefits for landlords.
You can earn market rate income while helping low income families, and helping your community! Get started today by submitting a Landlord inquiry.