St. Louis Housing Authority provides housing assistance to low-income families, seniors, and persons with disabilities.
We operate two major housing programs, Public Housing and Section 8 (Housing Choice Voucher). Public Housing units are owned by SLHA and rented to qualified applicants. Section 8 provides rental assistance to qualified applicants to facilitate rental of privately owned units. In both programs, participants pay 30% of their income for rent.
Getting Started
Through our various housing solutions and programs, SLHA is able to meet a broad spectrum of housing needs for low-income families, including at-risk populations, in St. Louis. Housing includes single-family homes and multi-family townhomes and apartments.
If you are interested in getting rental assistance for units in one or more of these communities, you will need to find out if the waiting list is open. When the wait list is open, you may apply through a very quick and easy process! Please follow the instructions for applying to be on the SLHA Public Housing waiting list. Once you have submitted your application, you may check the status of your application in our Rent Café portal. If you need to request a reasonable accommodation due to a disability or need other help, please contact SLHA for assistance.
SLHA does not discriminate on the basis of race, sex, color, religion, marital status, familial status, national origin, age, pregnancy, disability, ancestry, or sexual orientation in the access to, admission into, or employment in, housing programs or activities.

OK, now what?
Once you have submitted your application, here are a couple more things you can do to stay up to date on things.